ID:I Galleri, Stockholm

Refugium and Refugium II, Impasto; glue, textilfibers, salt, paper, Barley flour. Tempera, oil and oven paint, on linen, painted wooden frames, 79 x 56 cm and 49 x 75 x 9,5 cm

Installation view

Installation view with the sculpture Revelation. Painted MDF boards, spotlight, blue photofilter, mixed media and oil on linen, oil on artifical plants, paper, glue, Barley flour, salt, vynil color and pigment on MDF board, 2 x 200 x 300 cm x 2 x 150 x 200 cm

Detail of the sculpture Revelation, view through the opening

Uppenbarelse. Impasto, textile fibers, glue, paper, Barley flour, salt. Tempera and oil on linen, 122 x 86 cm

Film stills from the video piece Splittra. The video is 1,30 min long. Editing, by photographer Erik Hagman

Marken lyser även i mörkret, installation where I put together different pieces from the painting that is being cracked by a stone in the video piece. Splittra. Glass and soil.