Reflections / A Whisper and Three Trembling Shadows

La Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (FR)

May 10, between 6 p.m and 9 p.m, I had a solo presentation during the Open Studios at La Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. Both recent and ongoing works produced during my six-month residency were shown in an installation in my studio.

The same evening from 6 p.m to 8 p.m, the piece called A Whisper and Three Trembling Shadows, an ongoing collaboration between me and photographer Erik Hagman, was shown outside in the courtyard, at La Cité Internationale des Arts.

Installation view with Disappearance/Reappearance; tempera and oil on linen, 220 x 165 cm.

Installation view

Refugium; Fabrics, salt, paper, Barley flour, glue, tempera, oil on linen. Vitrine; pine wood, white paint, screws. 75 x 50 x 9,5 cm

The Uncollection (work in progress) . Installation views and detail.. Oil on glass and on stone, loupes, dried coral, plants, charcoal, pencil and watercolor on glassine and papper.

Installation based on 33 different butterfly species, in scale 1:1. Wax, paper, watercolor.

The Weight of Water, Fabrics, salt, paper, Barley flour, salt, glue, tempera, oil on linen. 2 x 81 x 54 cm

A Whisper and Three Trembling Shadows consists of a tent that acts as a camera obscura and a sound work recorded in a meadow. The intention behind the piece is to create a spatial experience of a landscape that interacts with our immediate environment to evoke memories and offer an ambiguous picture of what we believe nature stands for.

The image produced inside the Camera obscura.

The piece has been shown earlier in Stockholm and in Sjöbo, Sweden. It was shown in yet another environement relating to how we, as human beings, consciously and unconsciously construct an image of our own world that reflects our ideas and desires. This inner image is just like in the camera obscura, a projection in constant change.

More info about the piece both in swedish and english here;