Bortom det Ursprungliga;, paper, salt, gras, glue, tempera and oil on linen, 94 x 71 cm
The exhibitionSom en tunn linje mellan dig och mig/ As a thin line between you and me builds on themes; man and nature, the controllable and the unpredictable, where the artist examines and problematizes definite, cultural notions and scientific truths about what we call nature.
Experimentet; MDF boards, fan, två mobiles with mouths made of paper and clay hanging from the cellar, spotlights, artificial plants, tripods. 300 cm x 200 cm x 120 cm
The Petrifed Forest; mixed mediaInstallation viewsMelting (Transmutation) Paper, glue, Barley flour, salt, tempera, oil and ink on linen, 125 x 35, 125 x 54, 125 x 59 and 125 x 35 cm Specimen Gult och Rött;paper, sand, glue, salt, flour, 2 x 74 x 80 cm
My Own Private Arcadia, paper, salt, flour, tempera and oil on linen, 145 x 39 cm