2009 Horror Vacui

Installation view; Die Puppen(Black Mirror), oil on acrylic glass, wooden frame, ropes, 168 x 125 cm, 2009

Installation views. The painting hangs from the ceiling in front of a black curtain. The backside of the painting is grounded with black paint so it looks like a mirror.

Die Puppen, detail

Pappersstaden/The city of paper,oil on linen, 2009

Upplösning/Dissolvation(Black Mirror), oil on acrylic glass, wooden frame,  168 x 125 cm, 2009

Interlude, oil on board, 122 x 86 x 20 cm, 2009

Prelude, detail

Prelude, installation views. Sculpture, lamp, slide projection, 2009

Painted plywood with tempera, acrylic glass, hinges, 100 x 80 x 50 cm x 2, 2009

2008 Lysande Utsikter/Brightning Prospects

Installation view, KHM gallery, Malmö, 2008

Lysande Utsikter /Brightning Prospects, part I, oil on board, 180 x 120 cm, 2008

Lysande Utsikter /Brightning Prospects, part II, oil on board, 180 x 120 cm, 2008

Diaviewer showing a slide from another version of Cobolt Mountain(As from a distance), 2008

Cobolt Mountain(As from a distance), oil on board, 90 x 20 cm, 2008

Cobolt Mountain, oil on board, 90 x 60 cm, 2008

Splittring/Splitted, oil on board, 90 x 60 cm, 2008

Detail of Splittring/Splitted

2007 Förgaves återvänder vi till platser vi älskat/ In vain we return to places we’ve loved / 2006 Preserved

Oil on board, acrylic glass, mirror hooks and metal signs with the title and the mirrored title, 166,5cm x 122cm, 2007

Installation view at Hannover Kunstverein(DE), 2007

Installation view, Hannover Kunstverein, 2007

Detail; oil on board,(vitrine) wooden frames and acrylic glass, 122 x 96 x 10 cm, 2007



Preserved(Travellers); butterflies are in scale 1:1 made with painted paper and wax,  oil on linen, tritex, nails, wooden fram, acrylic glass, 65 x 58 x 10 cm, 2006

Installation view, Malmö Art Academy

Preserved(Lost Paradise), oil on board, painted wooden frames, acrylic glass. 168 x 128 x 10 cm